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Manager Momentum Boost

Rise Above, Lead Ahead

Discover how to:

  • Transform chronic challenges into stepping stones to success

  • Unlock your full potential

  • Increase your chances of accomplishing year-end goals


Join our Manager Momentum Boost program to refocus, reenergize, and propel your career forward. Embrace the challenges, acquire practical tools, and gain the confidence to achieve your year-end performance goals, and secure that well-deserved promotion!


Workplace expectations and norms are changing

Middle managers face the highest burnout risk compared to other employees - an alarming 43% experiencing chronic workplace stress.
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And burnout isn't just bad for you,
it's bad for the bottom line too!

Questions to consider:

    • Are you struggling to stay ahead of the curve this year?

    • Is your job harder than ever this year because of the overwhelming changes in leadership, reorganizations, and staff reductions?

    • Are you wondering about how to increase your team's performance? Lead change? Handle those difficult conversations?

    • And what about your needs? How do you ensure that you take care of your own career goals? How are you increasing your influence? Improving your leadership?

    • Are you on track to secure that coveted promotion next year?

    • Do you need a boost to move from burned out to Fired UP?


Want to start 2024 strong,
feeling better than you do now?

Sayre Darling presents Manager Momentum Boost – five individual modules designed to provide immediate solutions to address some of the most frequent frustrations, common challenges and overwhelming obstacles Middle Managers face. These modules are packed with proven tools, tips, and practical strategies to immediately implement to regain momentum, restore self-confidence, and accelerate success.

But do you really want to make a change?
This is for you, IF you want to:

  • Increase your ability to build and lead through influence

  • Prove you are ready for that next promotion you are so committed to achieve

  • Earn your team's respect AND hold them to a higher level of accountability

  • Quit losing sleep over handling those "difficult conversations"

  • Help your team navigate large-scale organizational changes

  • Improve your chances to lead your team to achieve its year-end goals

What You Will Get:


Practical skills for immediate application

60-minute sessions on one of five options + an optional 30-minute Q&A session and networking event: 
1. Handling Difficult Conversations
2. Building and Leading with Influence
3. Change Leadership
4. Scaling Your Team for Growth
5. Moving from Burned Out to Fired Up!


Access proven and practical tools

Expert instruction, multiple tools, tips, resources and customized learning activities, to practice and apply your learning in real time - and able to confidently take it into your workplace.


Individual Coaching for acceleration

A 45 minute, 1:1 coaching session is available within 30 days of class attendance for personalized guidance and growth acceleration.

Empowering Leadership Sessions

Handle Difficult Conversations

Handle tough conversations with confidence, delivering bad news, resolving conflicts, and navigating disagreements effectively.

Build and Lead with Influence

Discover the power of influence beyond authority. Use it to gain support, navigate office politics, and enhance your profile and career opportunities.

Learn to Lead Change vs. Manage It

You can't manage change. You lead it or get out of the way.  Learn to get buy-in, reduce resistance, and integrate change seamlessly into your team's workflow.

Scale Your Team for Growth

Learn to motivate, focus, and guide your team through organizational changes, mergers, and pivots, ensuring high performance and adaptability.

Move from Burned Out to Fired Up!​

Shift your perspective, focus, and conversation to overcome burnout and maintain resilience every day. A guide to boosting your energy and motivation.

1-on-1 Coaching

Our expert coach will work closely with you to address your specific goals, offer valuable insights, and help you reach your leadership potential with clarity and confidence.

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This program isn't for everyone.

If you believe you have all the answers because you used to be an independent contributor on the team you now manage…

Feel important when you are talking about being soooo busy…

Believe that feeling overwhelmed is normal and goes with the job…

Think that getting that next promotion comes only if you show people how difficult things are…


Then this offer is not for you.

BUT, if you are ready to:

Acknowledge that it's okay not to have all the answers...

Demonstrate greater value and make your job easier...

Are ready to get past your comfort zone and overcome fear, worry, and self-doubt...

Prove your worth, earn respect, and position yourself for that well-deserved promotion...


Then this program is tailor-made for you!

Sessions Overview

Session 1: How to Handle Difficult Conversations


No manager wants to handle those conversations where opinions vary, emotions run strong, and the stakes are high. Your employees rely on you to guide them through uncomfortable, emotionally charged, and high-stakes conversations.  By mastering the skills to effectively deliver bad news, negotiate conflict, and have the courage to say what needs to be said, people respect and appreciate your leadership.

In this session, you will acquire the strategies needed to:

  • Prepare for and approach diverse challenging conversations and disagreements

  • Facilitate conversations about performance enhancement and improvement

  • Effectively manage interactions with irate customers


By honing your ability to navigate these conversations skillfully, you'll enhance your leadership impact and foster a culture of open, constructive communication.

Session 2: Building and Leading with Influence


More important than a title that gives you authority, More important than a title that gives you authority. Influence enables you to build more support for your projects, navigate organizational politics and administrivia, and effectively address challenges such as conflicts and dissatisfaction. Influence elevates your profile, enhances your perceived organizational worth, and paves the way for new avenues of opportunity.

In this session, you will acquire the strategies needed to:

  • Differentiate between influence and “schmoozing,"

  • Cultivate and nurture meaningful influence within your professional sphere

  • Utilize your influence to advance projects and navigate organizational dynamics


By mastering the art of genuine influence, you will establish a lasting impact, foster credibility, and uncover doors to success that were previously uncharted.

Session 3: Change Leadership


​Change is no longer a "project". Change is the highway that organizations use to advance their business.  Astonishingly, over 70% of change endeavors fail to achieve their goals. Why? Often, Middle Managers are left out of the equation. Yet, these managers hold the key to successful change – they understand customer perspectives, operational intricacies, and team dynamics.

In this session, you'll learn the strategies to:

  • Grasp the crucial role Middle Managers play in driving change

  • Gain buy-in for change initiatives and counter-resistance

  • Seamlessly integrate transformative changes into daily team operations


Remember, effective change isn't just managed; it's led with skill, blending adaptation, collaboration, and achievement.

Session 4: Scaling Teams for Growth


In a rapidly evolving world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), the traditional formula of strategizing and expecting growth no longer guarantees success. Amid reorganizations, mergers, layoffs, and global events, today's team leaders must empower their teams to deliver impactful results. This requires the ability to instill proactive attitudes, risk-taking behaviors, and effective decision-making.

In this session, you will acquire the strategies needed to:

  • Foster a culture of impact-focused work

  • Motivate team members to embrace proactivity and calculated risks

  • Enhance decision-making capabilities

  • Navigate shifting performance expectations and rapid pivots while maintaining accountability


Lead your team towards impactful outcomes in the face of dynamic challenges.

Session 5: Move from Burned Out to Fired UP!


Despite our diligent efforts to maintain a work-life balance, prioritize rest, practice healthy habits, and engage in regular exercise, overcoming burnout often eludes us even with an extra day or two off. In such moments, a transformative pivot becomes necessary, prompting us to assess our thought patterns, areas of focus, and sources of distraction, and ultimately, shift our perspectives. Sometimes, this shift is the catalyst that propels us forward

In this session, you will acquire the strategies needed to:

  • Recalibrate your mindset

  • Redirect your attention

  • Reshape your conversations


This isn't intended to replace mental health support or wellness practices, but rather to equip you with strategies for daily transformation, enabling you to transition from a state of burnout to one of renewed enthusiasm and empowerment.

Ready to break through the limits of professional growth in your current role?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Manager Momentum Boost for Middle Managers?
A: The Momentum Boost program is a focused and practical training designed to empower middle managers with the essential skills and strategies to overcome challenges and excel in their roles.

Q: Who would benefit from taking advantage of these modules?
A: The program is tailored for middle managers who seek to enhance their leadership, tackle workplace challenges, and achieve their career goals with confidence.

Q: How long is each session?
A: Each session lasts 90 minutes, comprising 60 minutes of live instruction, followed by an optional 30 minutes of Q&A and live coaching.


Q: Are all sessions virtual?
A: Yes, all sessions are conducted virtually, allowing you to participate from anywhere in the world, whether you're in the office or working from home.

Q: Is there any personalized support offered?
A: Yes, participants have the opportunity for a 1:1 coaching session scheduled within 30 days of attending the class to receive personalized guidance.

Q: What makes this program different from others?
A: The Manager Boost offers proven, practical tools and learning activities for your current role, enabling immediate implementation and quick impact.


Q: What kind of background and experience do you have in leadership development and coaching, and how do you apply your expertise in the program?
A: With over 30 years of extensive experience, Sayre Darling has worked with over 75 clients, guiding them through large-scale organizational changes, strategy development and execution, relationship management, and trust-building among team members and stakeholders. Specializing in M&A transactions, crisis management, transformation, and change leadership, her ICF coaching certification further enhances her ability to support leaders in their personal and professional growth. 

Q: Can you provide examples of companies you've worked or coached with in the past, and how your program has helped them achieve their goals?
A: Sayre has successfully coached clients from various companies, including Marriott, GitHub, LinkedIn, and Stripe. She has also consulted with Fortune 500 companies and national non-profit organizations, as well as leading healthcare organizations such as Keck Medical Center at USC, Medica, Allina Health, and others. The material shared in the  Momentum Boost program has consistently supported these organizations in achieving their goals and driving positive change.


Q: Can I attend multiple coaching sessions on different topics?
A: Absolutely! You can choose to attend coaching sessions on various topics, maximizing your learning and growth opportunities.

Q: I have a question. How can I contact your team?
A: Simply fill out the contact form below, and we will contact you with further details and next steps.


Q: Do you have a bigger program that caters to more middle managers within our company?
A: Absolutely! We offer a comprehensive leadership cohort, "Strengthen the Core of Your Organization," designed to accommodate companies looking to invest in the growth and development of their human resources. To learn more about this tailored program, please visit our website at

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